GamesDiablo IV
Diablo IV

Diablo IVDiablo IV

Diablo IV - The Paragon Board

The Paragon Board is a new feature in Diablo 4 that allows players to customize their characters beyond their skills. This system offers more opportunities for character customization, making the game even more immersive and exciting.

Diablo IV

Diablo IVDiablo IV

Diablo IV Currency: Everything you need to know

Diablo IV will feature a variety of currencies, from upkeep tokens, gambling obols, to PVP-related cosmestic redeemables. This article aims to list each of these currencies and explain where they can be found, where they should be spent and how to maximize their benefits.

Diablo IV

Diablo IVDiablo IV

Comprehensive Guide to Diablo IV Dungeons - Crawling your way to Legendary Status

This article outlines the fundamentals of Dungeons in Diablo IV and how they effect your gameplay. Dungeons, like earlier versions of the game, are random, procedurally generated instances. In Diablo IV, however, they go a step further by providing Legendary Power and Renown to players in the zones where they are located.

Diablo IV

Diablo IVDiablo IV

Comprehensive Guide to PVP - Diablo IV

Open World PVP Zones offers an interesting take on what's considered an atrophied feature in previous installments of the series. In Diablo IV, players find the need to PVP occasionally, but cannot simply walk around Sanctuary dueling, engaging or otherwise sucker-spellcasting others to death. After all, we are all civilized people here!

Diablo IV

Diablo IVDiablo IV

Runes in Diablo IV: Everything you Need to Know

Runes are a bit different than what most Diablo II and Diablo III players are accostumed to. In Diablo IV, runes return as part of an interesting mechanic where conditions and effects are combined to give players streamlined but effective synergies with their class, builds and game style...

Diablo IV

Diablo IVDiablo IV

Diablo IV: Pay-to-Win or Pay-to-Survive?

Rod Fergusson, the Franchise Manager for Diablo IV, stated on Twitter that the game's post-launch content is anchored around optional cosmetic microtransactions. What first sounded as an exciting prospect turned into a legitimate concern: Is post-launch content and future support contingent on the success of microtransactions?

GamesDiablo IV
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